
Thanks for checking out my Ottawa Fire Service Blog. It's my way of sharing my pictures, thoughts and idea's about Canada's Capital fire protection. Please feel free to comment on anything you see or read. Insights and corrections are always welcome. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mighty Ladder 11

Little Italy or China Town is home to station 11. Considered second busiest hall in the fine city of Ottawa. Eleven runs two pumps, ladder, district chief (Car 10) and a Water Rescue.  The mighty Ladder 11 is a 109 foot RK Ladder, with a pump.

Pumper 73

One of the fleets older pumps, this Pemfab runs out of the new hall outside the village of Vars. If you take Hwy 417 east and exit at Vars, turn left.  Station 73 is on the left just a short jont north of the Hwy.

Big Water

Tanker 83

Tanker 45

Fifty Two

This Rescue Pump is located north of Hwy 174 in an older part of Orleans. 

Pumper 57

Down in the heart of Beechwood Ave is Station 57.